Dr. Paul Bastermajian, O.D.
Illinois College of Optometry
Languages spoken:
English, Spanish, Armenian
Favorite thing about being an eye doctor:
When a pediatric patient sees clearly for the first time ever, their reaction is not only priceless, but a humbling experience. The smile they give us is why I love Optometry. In addition, being at the same office for over 10 years, I am able to see my patients mature and progress from their initial Kindergarten Exam to all their annual exams afterward.
What I wish more people understood about eye care:
As Optometrists, we don't just prescribe glasses and/or contacts. During your comprehensive eye exam, we are able to diagnose a myriad of systemic diseases, such as Diabetes, Hypertension, Hypercholesterolemia, Brain Tumors, Blood Disorders, etc.
Eye care tip:
Annual eye exams are so important. Early on in my career, I saw a young lady for her annual contact lens exam. She had no complaints or issues. However, with the aid of Optos digital images, I was able to diagnose her with a brain tumor. Luckily, I found it in time, and after the removal of the tumor, she made a full recovery.